Unaware of his dark destiny, 16-year-old Dez is caught between two worlds – one in which he loves Caden and one in which he will be her mortal enemy.
From Interitas Volume 2: False Prophets
Dez lay in the bed trying to convince himself that he was merely distracted by the events of the last few days. That was what had caused the gap in his memory. He was under stress, and so that was completely normal. It was totally, 100 percent normal that he couldn’t remember anything between roughly nine o’clock and eleven thirty.
Or maybe it was love. Love made you do strange things, he had heard, and since he was pretty sure he was in love with Caden, maybe that was what had caused it.
She had been the only bright spot in what had been a truly sucky couple of years. He had known from the minute he saw her, stammering and blushing in the restaurant kitchen, that she was going to be a huge part of his life. That was how it had popped into his head then. It wasn’t love at first sight—or at least, he didn’t think that’s what it was, but since he had never been in love, he wasn’t completely sure. It wasn’t one of those “I’m going to marry that girl someday” kind of moments. It was a confidence in the fact that although he had only known her for a moment, he would know her for the rest of their lives. They were meant to be together, not necessarily in a romantic way, but in a cosmic one. The thought of that kind of emo bullshit usually made him want to gag, but there it was.
Caden was his soul mate.
The love . . . that grew. Grew so much that he was absolutely sure it was what had caused him to not have any idea how he had gotten from the restaurant to his bed or what he may have done in between the two. It was love. Or maybe stress. Or maybe a combination of the two.
And the fear. Don’t forget the fear. That could have played a role in it.
Where were you, Dez?